Packages & prices

Feature Personal Personal/Team Team/Business Business/Enterprise
Price Free Register now! Look in the Token-Shop Look in the Token-Shop Please contact us, we're proud to help you!
Transactions 100 transactions per month No transaction limit No transaction limit No transaction limit
Attachment space 100 Megabyte for attachments 300 bzw. 500 Megabyte for attachments 1 GigaByte as required
Backups - - - Backup vi database export
Backup in your own infrastructure
User Management Via Stickie~Box - user management (central identity service) Via Stickie~Box - user management (central identity service) Via Stickie~Box - user management (central identity service) Via Stickie~Box - user management or
connection to your own identity system
Infrastructure Shared cloud infrastructure Shared cloud infrastructure Shared cloud infrastructure Your own virtual instance in the Stickie~Box cloud;
Own virtual server 
- in Austria,
- Europe or 
- in your own infrastructure
Upgrade At any time between packages;
look inside the  Token-Shop
At any time between packages;
look inside the Token-Shop
At any time between packages;
look inside the Token-Shop
Export / import of data if you use the shared Stickie~Box cloud infrastructure;
extensible to Enterprise;
You can get your own customizing.